01 December 2017

Duffy Books in Homes

The Duffy Books in Homes programme was developed to inspire a love of reading in children who may come from ‘bookless’ homes.  The idea behind the programme came from NZ author Alan Duff and we have been a part of it since the beginning over some 20 years ago.

Over 10,000,000 books given to kids

Duffy Books in Homes provides books to children from low-decile schools across New Zealand. It gives these children the opportunity to choose and own their very own books. The programme  has since expanded into Australia and the United States and given over 10,000,000 books away since it started. 

Duffy Books Worldwide

As Mainfreight has expanded around the world so has Books in Homes. Books in Homes Australia started in 2001. Inspired by the New Zealand programme, the Australian government via the Education Department funded the pilot programme and continued to grow throughout the country.

Books in Homes USA started as pilot programme before being a officially launched in 2008, with huge support from Kevin Drinkwater, he saw the potential to develop the programme.

Role Model Assembly 

Mainfreight New Zealand currently sponsor over 50 schools across New Zealand and Duffy Books in Homes main office is house at our Railway Lane Supersite. At the end of terms one and three we are invited to attend Role Model assemblies and present books to children and encourage them to continue reading and work hard in school.

The Mainfreight Award

Every year the Mainfreight Award for Excellence in Attitude goes to a student who has shown all round excellence throughout the school. Each Duffy Books in Homes School selects a student that is worthy of this award which is given out at the end of year school assemblies. 

“If it wasn’t for reading I wouldn’t be where I am today. I can see a huge difference that reading can make.” – Kevin Drinkwater, Global IT Manager 

If you are interested in sponsoring a school, contact the Team at Books in Homes


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