Cross Dock

Cross Dock

Mainfreight offers full cross dock facility in Belgium.

Practical information Cross Dock Mainfreight:

  • Global visibility through Mainfreight International System
  • Suitable for FAK (freight all kinds)
  • Load / unload platform for both trucks and containers
  • Short term container storage possibilities
  • For export cargo we count, (re)measure and weigh all shipments
  • We are licensed to devan FAK containers where the shipments have not necessarily been cleared by EU customs
  • Neutrality
  • Gas measuring
  • Bonded warehouse
  • Well trained team members
  • Inhouse customs team
  • Fiscal representation
  • Value added services e.g. labeling / packing, weighing, (re)packing


Global network

Our comprehensive global network avoids 3rd party involvement and ensures a local contact at each point of the supply chain.

Local service

Our decentralised customer service teams are located in each branch, making decisions as close to the operations and our customers as possible. This provides timely, accurate information on shipment status, reducing the time your team may spend managing freight movements.

Customs expertise

Our in house teams will manage customs, quarantine and duty changes to reduce compliance risks and costs. We offer a range of services including customs audits, tariff concession orders and much more.

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Quote of the Day

The expert in anything was once a beginner

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