Technology and Customer Solutions

Info Hub

Our investment in technology continues to strengthen our efficiency and productivity. We strive to provide data and statistics that allow us to deliver greater quality while providing transparency to our customers and providing them with an extra layer of intelligence as well as critical supply chain information.

Foundations of Our Technology

Customised Technology

Local IT Team

Supply Chain Management



Mainchain Customer Portal

Mainchain Customer Portal

In a fast-moving international business, effectual supply chain management is vital to business operations, maintaining customer loyalty and financial success. 

Our online customer portal, Mainchain provides all the tools you need to manage the elements of your supply chain effectively. In doing so, help you drive business innovation, efficiency & sustainability. 

Key Mainchain Features

Real Time Data

Make proactive decisions by accessing real time data


Improve efficiency by subscribing to PUSH Notifications


Analyse your supply chain costs, performance and emission output through the Maintel Dashboard

Control User Access

Mitigate security risks by controlling user permissions

Document Storage

Reduce administration time and improve document compliance

Stay On The Go

Stay on top of your supply chain with our free Mobile App, no matter where you are in the world

Want to learn more?

Air & Ocean Technology

Want to learn more about the value Mainchain brings our Air & Ocean Customers?

Click here

Warehousing Technology

Want to know more about the value Mainchain brings our Warehousing Customers?

Click here

Transport Technology

Want to know more about the value Mainchain brings our Transport Customers?

Click here

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