17 June 2015

Warehousing agreement SABIC and Wim Bosman

SABIC, one of the leading petrochemicals companies in the field of chemicals, polymers and innovative plastics, and 3PL+ logistics service provider Wim Bosman have agreed on a contract for warehousing services at three European locations.

After an intensive tender process SABIC decided to house the logistics MRO (Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul) activities for the locations Geleen, Bergen op Zoom and Gelsenkirchen at Wim Bosman. Since 2003, Wim Bosman and SABIC already have formed a partnership at the Chemelot site in Geleen. The further outsourcing of logistics activities at the various locations gives SABIC the opportunity, to focus more on their core business, the development and production of plastics and chemicals.

Wim Bosman has gained the confidence of SABIC because of their partnership approach and Continuous Improvement Program.
SABIC is convinced they have chosen the right partner for the further professionalisation of its MRO warehousing activities and improve its Total Cost of Ownership position.
The scope of the services provided includes, besides storage and order-picking, a variety of value added service activities like quality control of materials.
A new activity is the set-up and management of unattended warehouses which are located in strategic locations at various sites.

If you require more information about our warehousing services, please contact your local branch.

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