21 December 2020

Transport to and from the United Kingdom

Current situation transport United Kingdom - Update 22 December 2020
After yesterday's depressed news, following the mutated coronavirus in the United Kingdom (UK), the situation is unfortunately still unchanged. Mainfreight Transport is still looking for ways to get your shipments to the UK but capacity is still limited. In order to be of the best possible service to you as a customer Mainfreight Air will work with our offices in London to transport shipments to and from the UK by air. If you are interested in this solution you can contact your account manager or get in tour with your local branch.


Unfortunately, we have to inform you that transport to and from the United Kingdom (UK) has become even more difficult due to the developments last weekend. The new and possibly more contagious variant of the coronavirus, which is currently circulating in part of the UK, means that the country is almost completely cut off from the outside world. Passenger traffic by plane, ferry, train or through the tunnel is prohibited. The ban follows an advice from the authorities that travel movements from the UK should be restricted as much as possible. Freight transport - accompanied and unaccompanied - is still possible to and from the UK. However, the capacity is many times smaller than the demand from the market. Mainfreight looks for all possible solutions to get capacity to and from the UK but unfortunately this has a major impact on our transit times and deliveries. Mainfreight can therefore no longer offer any guarantee on transit times and that shipments will be delivered to or from the UK before January 1st.  

If you have any questions, please contact your account manager or get in touch with your local branch.  

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