30 August 2021

SureSort Technology


What is SureSort?

SureSort is a semi-automated solution that integrates directly in Mainfreight’s proprietary warehouse management system, MIMS. SureSort’s system sorts and allocates products to specific customer orders at an incredibly fast pace and without error.

What will SureSort bring to Mainfreight? 

The new SureSort system will reduce manual processes and introduce a level of efficiency and capacity to support the growth of our customers in the Dallas market. Mainfreight’s investment in the Opex SureSort System is evidence in our willingness and desire to support customer growth through investment. We want to be a trusted partner to our customers and adding value through automation is one way we can remain a flexible and scalable partner.


Where is SureSort now and what role will this technology play in the future? 

We selected Dallas as the first branch to test out the SureSort solution based on continuous improvement discussions with our customers.  We see the value in this investment both locally in Dallas and the impact additional automation can add across our North American network of warehousing sites. While certainly not an exclusive reliance on the SureSort, we are excited in this investment and the role it will play along with other technology already, and soon to be, incorporated into our business.

Keep your eyes out for more updates coming soon!


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