07 February 2023

Let's go Ironworkers!

Mainfreight is excited to continue our partnership with the Rugby New York Ironworkers for the 2023 season! The Ironworkers have been members of North America's Major League Rugby (MLR) since 2018. In 2022 the team took the crown and were awarded MLR Champions! We will be along side them once more in the hopes of a repeat year.P1024034-1.jpg

In addition to rooting in the stands, our teams will be hosting tailgating parties in the parking lot of Rugby NY. Visist our blue pop up as we will have multiple team members grilling, handing out sweets and maybe even some special merchandise.

Mainfreight is honored to establish great relationships with the community of Rugby NY and their fans. We hope you have some time to see we are also a business built around our people. Perhaps soon you will be one of them. 

Find the Rugby NY schedule here
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