Charlotte Mainfreight Air & Ocean

4620 Entrance Drive CHARLOTTE NORTH CAROLINA 28273 United States

Location Overview

Our Unique Culture 

Our company is built on our Three Pillars – Culture, Family, and Philosophy. These core values have shaped our people and our company.
We promote our people from within. Decisions are made locally without the restrictions of a bureaucratic hierarchy.  Our team is empowered make decisions for our local customers to encourage an innovative, non-hierarchical and decisive atmosphere.  Like a family we eat together at mealtimes and we support each other through successes and failures.

We are focused on performance — every branch reports weekly results that are available for all team members to see. Individual responsibility and accountability for quality are reinforced. All Mainfreight branches have quality boards and are internally audited every six months.

We are also focused on customer service. With no voicemail and multiple means of communication, our customers will also get a live person without tedious phone directories and with quick responses via email.

Our unwavering focus on culture, values, our customers and care for one another, makes Mainfreight a team we are proud to be a part of.

Service Overview
  • Import and export services
  • Electronic capabilities to facilitate communication and information transfer between shippers, suppliers and transportation providers
  • Practical, cost-effective advice on routing schedules and services
  • Comprehensive door-to-door tracking of shipping
  • Compliance documentation
  • Cost to service advice
  • Personalized scheduling to meet deadlines
  • Dedicated consolidation units from major hubs in Europe, Australia, Asia, and New Zealand
  • Product consultation for perishable or dangerous goods movements

Team Members

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