Mainfreight Amsterdam GDP Certified

Mainfreight is globally involved with the distribution of pharmaceuticals and pharma related products. Moving these commodities around the world is not simple and it requires a high level of knowledge and process quality. With this strategic direction in mind, our Air & Ocean business all around the world will be upskilling themselves and becoming Good Distribution Practice (GDP) certified. Our airfreight branch in Amsterdam was the first of our branches here in Europe to achieve GDP certification. 

What is GDP?

GDP is a globally recognized certification within the pharmaceutical industry that illustrates a logistics company has a high level of quality in everything that they do. Given the impact on human life that pharmaceuticals can have, adherence to quality and compliance to strict European legislation is of the utmost importance to this industry sector. It is not compulsory for a transporter to be GDP certified in order to ship such products, but it is very common that customers will not invite forwarders to be involved in their business without having a GDP level of certification. 

For our team in Amsterdam this was a large undertaking. Starting right from square one, we were required to build everything associated with becoming GDP certified from the ground up. This involved outlining and documenting our processes, looking into all potential risk factors that may occur and upskilling our team on the necessary way to handle these type of shipments. After many hours, a lot of investigation, debate, review and re-reviews, some long days, and some intense audits we can now proudly say we are GDP certified.  

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Quote of the Day

The expert in anything was once a beginner

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