11 January 2012

The Mainfreight Scholarship

Mainfreight offers a limited number of scholarships each year to the children of our team who wish to attend University.  Each scholarship is for three years and is for $3,000 per year to assist with fees and books.  Applicants submit a CV and covering application and are assessed for their suitability on their academic, sporting and cultural achievements.  In 2012 Mainfreight is delighted to award a further 24 scholarships to young adults whose parent(s) are part of the Mainfreight team.

The spirit of the scholarship comes from our desire to encourage further learning and education in the community.  We also appreciate the dedication and commitment that many of our team make for their families every day and see the scholarships awarded to their children as our way of showing our appreciation.  We have been awarding these three year scholarships for almost ten years now so our first recipients are well and truly in the workforce.

Our scholarship grant is awarded to recipients for a variety of studies – we have many who are studying for their Bachelor of Arts, Engineering, Law, Management Studies or Commence.  We also have some Nursing Students, and some Sports or Psychology students.   Two of our New Zealand recipients have chosen to study oversea - we have one studying in Russia and another currently studying in Hawaii.

The recipients of our Scholarships keep in touch with us during their academic year and let us know how their studies are progressing.  It is always heart-warming to see them and their proud family members celebrate their achievements when they visit us each year at our Scholarship Award Ceremony.  

Who knows - one day we could have one of our team who has joined the Mainfreight Graduate programme (and who perhaps came from a Mainfreight sponsored Primary school), has been educated with the help of one of our scholarships, progress through the ranks and become CEO of the company!!   Now that would be an achievement!

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