02 August 2013

Mitre 10 Service Supplier of the Year 2013 Award

Mainfreight has been recognised for service excellence by being awarded with the 2013 Mitre 10 Service Supplier of the Year award. We are very proud to be the recipient of this award. 

Mitre 10 are a New Zealand based company. Founded in 1974, with around 100 stores across all of New Zealand, owned and operated by New Zealanders. They have become the largest hardware retailers in New Zealand growing in both the share market and in the number of stores; twice as big as their nearest competitors. Mitre 10 has twice been voted New Zealand’s most trusted home improvement store.

Our partnership with Mitre 10 sees us providing a customised range of supply chain services from warehousing in both the North and South Islands to wharf cartage and national distribution through our team at Owens Transport. The success of this relationship comes from our understanding of the scale, seasonality, and expected growth of Mitre 10 and matching it with similar ambitious and dynamic solutions. 

The Mainfreight Group always strive to provide our customers with the absolute best service. To be recognised by Mitre 10, a company who shares many of our values, is an honour. 


Mitre 10 Service Supplier of the Year Award

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