10 October 2022

Mainfreight Asia GDP certification update

We are so excited to announce that Mainline Singapore was awarded the Good Distribution Practices (GDP) certification in September. 
In Asia, Hong Kong branch has acquired Air GDP certification and Singapore branch has both Air and Ocean GDP certification.
Shenzhen, Korea, and Guangzhou branches are pending GDP certification which will be ready end of 2022.

Mainfreight is committed to meeting international standards for managing supply chains of fast-growing medical device and pharmaceutical industries. 
GDP compliance ensures that we are following clear and transparent procedures that safeguards shipments in transit.  

Are you looking for a supply chain logistics partner for medical and pharmaceutical freight. Contact us today to learn more about the advantages that this certification can offer for you.

What is GDP?

GDP is a globally recognised certification within the pharmaceutical industry that illustrates a logistics company has a high level of quality in everything that they do. Given the impact on human life that pharmaceuticals can have, adherence to quality and compliance to strict European legislation is of the utmost importance to this industry sector. 

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