20 May 2013

Importers Take Note: Import Processing Charge to Change

The Australian Government announces changes to the Import Processing Charge.

The federal budget, delivered on the 14th May 2013, announced a significant increase in the Import Processing Charge (IPC). This is to recover increased costs of import related cargo and trade functions undertaken by the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service (ACBP).

What this means for you?

Whether you are importing by sea or air you will be subject to these Import Processing Charges. These new prices increases take effect on the 1st January 2014.

What are the changes to the Import Processing Charge?

  • Consignments valued under $1000 will continue to have no charge.
  • Consignments valued under $10,000 will remain at the current level which is $50 for sea imports and $40.20 for air imports.
  • Sea import declarations will increase by $102.60 to $152.60 per consignments.
  • Air import declarations will increase by $81.90 to $122.10 per consignment.

Import Processing ChargeThis is where the additional customs charge will appear on 10 Entry - paid directly to customs upon declaration.

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