Parcel Service

Do you have a letter or package that needs to be at another destination fast? Mainfreight offers a worldwide parcel service.

Parcel Service

Do you have a letter or package that needs to be at another destination fast? Mainfreight Urgent Courier & Special Services offers a worldwide parcel service.

Mainfreight Urgent Courier & Special Services delivers small packages all over the world, against competitive prices. We can deliver your package to the bigger capitals of Europe and Northern America within 48 hours.

As an extra service, we can also deliver within twelve hours. This is not for all areas. Please contact us to find out which areas can be reached within twelve hours. 

Shipment requirements

To ship your package via our World Wide Parcel Service,  please use the following guidelines:

  • Weight = maximum of 70 kg
  • Length = 270 cm
  • L x W x H = maximum 330 cm 

Please make sure you can provide us the following details

  • Addresses (pick-up and delivery)   
  • Measurements of the shipment (please be precise)  
  • Description of the goods
  • Value of the goods

Single point of contact

One single point of contact, for all your European shipments, who understands your business. This combined with pro-active communication.

Distribution network

Your products are controlled through our comprehensive European partner network ensuring high efficiency in deliveries to any country in Europe.

Local expertise

Our local branch network means we understand your business, make fast decisions and recognise opportunities which simply aren’t apparent when doing business at a distance.

Contact us

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    Ready to start shipping with us, ask for a shipping quote

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  • Enquiry

    Do you have a question about our services, please feel free to get in touch with us

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  • Get in touch with us

    Talk to one of our branches to get more information about our services

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The expert in anything was once a beginner

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