Key Account Manager, Mainfreight Air - Houston TX

| Air | Houston, TX


An opportunity exists in Mainfreight’s newest air branch as a Key Account Manager in Houston

The growth and transition in Houston has created many opportunities to join a dynamic team that is eager to expand and excel in the new fiscal year. We are focusing heaving on our sales team to foster new business and continue to development existing business within our current customer base. Houston is a large city with many opportunities to grow our business.

The ideal team member would have a passion for the airfreight market and fast paced environment.

This is an excellent opportunity for a sales team member that is excited about working hand in hand with operations to provide quality business solutions to our existing customer base or an operations team member who is looking to master the sales process and incorporate their operation experience for the ultimate customer service experience. You will work closely with our sales team, operations team and branch manager to grow and develop existing and new business within our current customer base.

The qualities you will need to possess

  • A passion for airfreight
  • Strong belief in Mainfreight culture
  • An energetic and motivated team member
  • Excellent communication and customer service skills
  • Ability to meet high standards and challenges
  • Ability to challenge the status quo
  • Ability to offer creative and diverse solutions to maximize value based on our customer’s needs
  • Comfortable in face to face meetings with customers
  • Ability to develop, maintain and implement SOPs
  • Ability to create and present QBRs that are driven by process improvements and solutions for the customer

If you want to be part of a developing team and are excited to help grow a branch, Mainfreight Houston wants to hear from you!

Please discuss with your current branch manager and contact Kristian Bowman at 713-826-2991

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