20 August 2021

Service Announcement New Zealand | 20 August 2021

COVID-19 Update

The Mainfreight team continues to provide essential services for our customers across all our branches and services globally through the current Alert Level 4 lockdown.
With the changing levels impacting importers and exporters, we want to advise that some shipping lines will consider detention waivers on a case-by-case basis.  However, we understand there will be no relief provided on any demurrage incurred during the lockdown.  Given this, our teams are working with customers to understand if shipments for both export and import are able to be safely loaded/unloaded to meet cut-offs, or delivered to avoid storage-related costs.  Please contact your local Mainfreight Account Manager to discuss your impending shipments.
Mainfreight has received notice from the Ministry of Transport, which provides further insight to operational procedures that can occur during the current Level 4 lockdown. The MoT guidelines below cover importers and the primary sector business.
We are currently seeking clarification and a solution for the non-Primary/Food and Beverage export sector to ensure we maintain export schedules and export shipping allocations.
As solutions become available, our team will be in touch to discuss the options available.

Ministry of Transport – Update on Essential Business Operations
MoT Freight Guidance under Alert Level 4

In response to many queries received over the course of the last 24 hours we have prepared some freight-specific advice which draws out the relevant parts of the Health Order and the transport operator guidance. I hope it is useful for you and your members/customers/colleagues.
While all of New Zealand is at Alert Level 4 there are restrictions on travel to minimise the spread of COVID-19. People can only go to their place of work if they are providing an Alert Level 4 service and are unable to work from home.
During this time, it is important that New Zealand’s transport system operates smoothly. Certain business and movement is still permitted at Alert Level 4, including freight services by road, rail, air or sea. Other transport and logistics services can also continue to operate at Alert Level 4.
This includes services at ports, container yards, distribution centres, couriers, postal services, and services necessary to maintain or service these Alert Level 4 businesses.

Businesses, even non-Level 4 businesses, can open premises in order to take receipt of deliveries and freight (including livestock).

The following activities are also permitted:
  • Construction and maintenance required to address immediate health and safety risks
  • Construction and maintenance of nationally important infrastructure to support supply chains which provide for either the current needs of people and communities or will enable/support COVID recovery.
More information on this is available on the Government’s Unite Against Covid-19 website, including the full Health Order and detailed guidance about doing business under Alert Level 4.
Do keep in mind that the Alert Level 4 restrictions are designed to minimise human interaction and movement to reduce any potential spread of COVID-19. Therefore permitted Alert Level 4 businesses and services should keep staffing and operations to the minimum necessary. Employees should carry evidence (such as a letter issued by an employer) that they are providing an Alert Level 4 service.
Like all other businesses, freight and logistics services operating at Alert Level 4 must have systems and processes in place for contact tracing (QR code scanning) and maintaining 1-metre physical distancing as far as reasonably practicable.

We remain committed to helping mitigate detention and demurrage, and keeping your supply chains moving.

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