We are your supply chain partner

Whether you’re sending goods next door or to the other end of the world, we find the best match of time, cost and performance to help your business grow.

We are your supply chain partner

The three pillars of Mainfreight


“Special people, Special company” embodies Mainfreight and its unique culture. We have developed a style of doing business, successful not only in New Zealand, but around the world.


We promote our people from within, and encourage innovative, non-hierarchical and decisive outlooks. Our team regard each other as a family and share mealtimes.


All decisions that we make are on the basis that we will be here for another 100 years. This view shapes our approach to recruitment and training of team members, customers and supplier relationships.

Our Mainfreight 100-year vision evolves daily. It is a lifelong outlook.

Our Mainfreight 100-year vision evolves daily. It is a lifelong outlook.

As a global supply chain provider, Mainfreight offers managed warehousing, international and domestic freight forwarding, and air & ocean services. With team and branches across New Zealand, Australia, Americas, Asia and Europe Mainfreight continues to expand its global footprint. Listed on the New Zealand Stock Exchange we continue to work towards our 100 year vision.
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    Do you have a question about our services, please feel free to get in touch with us

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  • Get in touch with us

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Take your career to the next step

Take your career to the next step

We are a strong global team, but ask our people and they’ll tell you it’s like being part of one big blue-blooded family. Our DNA is carved out of hard work, ingenuity and a deep care for one another. Like any family, we eat together, challenge and nurture one another. If you need advice or the skills to help your career go further or faster, nobody in the business is off-limits.

Latest News

Stay up-to-date with Mainfreight news, industry updates and more!

25 June 2024 | Announcement

Mainfreight 2024 Annual Report Released

Mainfreight is pleased to announce the release of our 2024 Annual Report.

30 May 2024 | Announcement

Market Update | Strikes in France

A heavy month of strikes are expected throughout France in June which have the potential to disrupt supply chains and impact transit and delivery times. 

Quote of the Day

The expert in anything was once a beginner

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