Available Opportunities in Chile

At Mainfreight, we value transparency in decision making.  And although we encourage movement through different roles and business units, choosing a potential opportunity should be a scenario where all facts and information are considered. 

Check out our listing of available opportunities in Chile below and if any of them seem to scream "hey, that sounds like me!" hit the apply button! 

​Don't see anything that stands out to you?  Reach out to us anyway by clicking "Contact Us".  We'd love to hear from you!

Open Application

Open Application

All Business Units | Chile

Had a look around and haven’t found the role for you yet? Still keen to see whether a career at Mainfreight is for you? If you’ve answered “Yes!” to these questions, then you’ve come to the right place!

There aren't many companies that motivate its team members to think for themselves, challenge the status quo and test the limits. Mainfreight understands that to thrive as a company, these ideas must be embraced, making it an environment that is as rewarding as it can be challenging.

Ajanae Hunter Financial Controller
Quote of the Day

Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet

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